Wednesday, January 19, 2005


It is not commonly known that a 4-year-old child is a superior maker of bread, indeed is perhaps the finest natural kneading device that ever graced the earth.

Simply place a large bulb of ready-to knead bread dough in front of such a child, as we did before a very eager Kaya, and prepare to be amazed.

It is like throwing a newgrown barnswallow up into the air, when you perceive the energy with which the child has at the passive lump, with its babycheek softness... turning it, folding it, dusting, knuckling and pounding it like a pro, and soon is fashioning rabbits and bears and snakes and pandas, using black beans for eyes, nori for noses and eyebrows and mustaches, carrot slices for mouths...

And the baked result is every bit as tasty as any pain d'cordon bleu, plus it's way more fun, from start to the very last crumb.

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